
                                                    Dr. Shabnam Khan
Published Papers:

1. Paper published entitled “Computation of optimal solution of certain problem through fixed point algorithm” in International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering, Volume XII, Issue IX, September 2022, ISSN No. 2249-7455

2. “Existence and Characterization of Fixed Point in Metric Spaces” in International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, Vol. IX , Issue III March 2019 (ISSN no. 2249-7455.)

3. Computation of Optimal Solution of Certain Linear Form of Problem through Fixed Point Algorithm – Research Fronts Vol. VI 2016 , ISSN 2250-2653.

4. Nature Of Equilibrium points in Certain Symmetric Jnanbha University Victoria B.C. CNADA.Vol. 23, 1993.

5. Existence of Common Fixed Points Compatible Maps -IJCRT , Vol.2,No.1 (2016) ISSN 2394-5745 (Special Issue)

6. On Computation of triangulation with Continuous Refinement of Grid Size Calcutta Mathematical Society. Calcutta. Bull. Cal. Math. Soc., 86, 279-290 (1994).

7. Error Bound in Computing Kakutani Fixed Points Mathematical Journal Ranchi University. Ranchi , Vol. 20, 1989 (Issued September 1996)


1. Book Chapter “Compatible Mappings of Type (A) and Common Fixed Points” published in Role of Applied Sciences in Social Implications, Volume D ISBN 78-81-959977-0-1

                                                Dr. K.K. Dewangan


1. Paper published entitled “Fixed Point Approximation of Modified k-iteration Method in CAT(k) space”, Journal of Mathematical Extension, 17 (1) (2023), 1-13.

2. Paper published entitled “Computation of optimal solution of certain problem through fixed point algorithm” in International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering, Volume XII, Issue IX, September 2022, ISSN No. 2249-7455

3. Fixed Point Theorems for modified F-contraction Mappings, IJMA 12(5) (2021), 17-22.


1. Book Chapter published in Role of Applied Sciences in Social Implications, Volume D ISBN 78-81-959977-0-1

                                                 Dr. Hemant Kumar Sao

Published Papers:

1. Reliability Modeling and Analysis of Single unit system with Environmental Failure and PM at MOT. Bull. Cal. Math. Soc., 107, (3) 193–204 (2015).

2. Economic and Performance evaluation of a Stochastic Model with Hardware failure and Human error. Cal. Math. Soc., 107, (5) 411-420. (2015).

3. Stochastic Modelling and Reliability Analysis of a RO Membrane System Used in Water Purification System with Patience –Time for Repair, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 3 Issues 2, February – 2014 ISSN: 2278-0181.

4. Profit analysis of Hulling system in Rice-mill Plant with change in demand and PM at down state subject to maximum operation time, international j. of math. sci. & Engg.Appls. (IJMSEA) ISSN 0973-9424, vol. 8 no. iii (May, 2014), pp. 251-263.

5. Reliability Availability Cost analysis (RAC) of Three Unit System. To appear in Journal of the Calcutta Mathematical Society. 12(1) 47-64 (2016)


                                                        Dr. Kavita Sakure


1. Sakure K., Dashputre S., Qualitative Behaviour of Solutions of Hybrid Fractional Integral Equation with Linear Perturbation of Second Kind in Banach Space, Malaya Journal of Mathematik 6 (3) (2018), 506-513.

2. Sakure K., Existence of Solution of Nonlinear Volterra-Hammerstein-Fredholm Integral Equation in Banach Algebra, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, 24 (2) (2018), 96-103.

3. Sakure K., Dashputre S., Nonlinear Functional Integral Equation : Existence, Global Attractivity and Positivity of Solutions, Malaya Journal of Mathematik, 8(2) (2020), 389- 396.

4. Dashputre S., Padmavati, Sakure K., On Approximation of Fixed Point in Busemann Space via Generalized Picard Normal S-iteration Process, Malaya Journal of Matematik 8(3) (2020), 1055-1062.

5. Dashputre S., Padmavati, Sakure K., Strong and\(\Delta\)-Convergence Results for Generalized Nonexpansive Mapping in Hyperbolic Space, Communications in Mathematics and Applications, 11(3) (2020), 389-401.

6. Dashputre S., Padmavati, Sakure K., Fixed Point Approximation of Countably Infinite Family of Nonexpansive Mappings, South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 17 (1) (2021), 361-382.

7. Dashputre S., Padmavati, Sakure K., Convergence Results for Proximal Point Algorithm in Complete CAT(0) Space for Multivalued Mappings, Journal of Indonesian Mathematical Society, 27 (1) (2021), 29-47.

8. Dashputre S., Padmavati, Sakure K., Inertial Picard Normal S-iteration Process, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, 26 (5) (2021), 995-1009.

9. Jong Kyu Kim, Samir Dashputre, Padmavati, Kavita Sakure, Generalized $\alpha$-nonexpansive mappings in Hyperbolic Spaces, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, 27(3) (2022), 449-469.

10. Dashputre S., Sakure K., Dewangan K.K., Fixed Point Approximation of Modified k-iteration Method in CAT(k) space, Journal of Mathematical Extension, 17 (1) (2023), 1-13.


1. Kavita Sakure, Existence of Solution of Nonlinear Functional Integral Equationvia Measure of Non-compactness, Theory and Applications of Mathematical Science, Vol. 12, Chapter 8, 115-125 (2020), Book Publisher International, West Bengal, India. ISBN 978-93-89816-38-9 (Print) ISBN 978-93-89816-39-6 (eBook) DOI: 10.9734/bpi/tams/v2

2. Samir Dashputre, Padmavati, Kavita Sakure, Iterative Construction of Fixed Point of Mean Nonexpansive Mappings in Hyperbolic Spaces, Role of Applied Sciences in Social Implications, Volume D: Mathematics & Computer Science, Chapter 7, Page 51-58 (2023), ISBN No. 78-81-959977-0-1 Publisher: Probecell Press, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh