CourseOutcomes (CO) of B.Sc. Anthropology

1.The students will have a fundamental and systematicunderstanding of biological

anthropology, its scope and relation with allieddisciplines, and approaches in

understanding human evolution; will be familiar with thebasic principles of human

evolution; understand the human anatomy and differences fromthe non-human

primates, and be familiar with the variations in primatesand their behavior;

 2.understand thebasic of human genetics and the laws governing inheritance of

characters. Learn the origin and evolution of humans fromfossil evidences and the distribution of

fossil man in Asia, Europe and Africa; understand the originof the Homo sapiens and

modern humans-    why human are unique species

 3. The students willunderstand the subject matter of Social-cultural Anthropology its

scope, relevance and relationship with other disciplines. Developan anthropological

understanding of the concept of society, culture, status androle and social groups;

Learn about the social institutions of family, marriage andkinship; become familiar

with the factors for social and cultural changes;Anthropological approaches to the

study of religion and magic.

4. The students will have a fundamental understanding of theconcept and scope of

archaeological anthropology, methods and relation with otherdisciplines, learn the

dating techniques and its application for differentevidences found in archaeological

sites, the basic outline of the Prehistory in a global contextand also the changing

Palaeo environment and climatic during Pleistocene Learn

 5.  the concept of tribe, and tribes in India andtheir classification; history of tribal

administration and the various governmental schemes andprograms; concept, type

and significance of village studies in India; various ethnicand peasant issues.

 6. The courseintroduces an anthropological understanding of various concepts of

ecological anthropology and equips them with anunderstanding on the importance of

bio-cultural perspective to understand human society. Thestudents will possess the

technical knowledge on various aspects of environmentalproblems and their impact

on human society.

7. The students will acquire the knowledge of race andracism on human genetics; the

biological basis of inheritance, racial criteria andclassification;  the biological

variations of mankind along with the factors responsible forthese variations.

 8.Understandbio-cultural factors in disease and nutritional status; the course introduces

Demographic perspective of human population.

 9. Students will beintroduced to various theoretical approaches of Anthropology; to

study the evolution and spread of culture and methods ofstudying cultures. To

appraise views of social thinkers in the study of cultureand society.

 10. Students willunderstand the fundamental concepts of human growth and stages of

human growth; the bio-cultural factors influencing growth;methods and techniques in

growth studies; study the concept of balance diet &nutritional requirement in human Students will learn process of researchdesign, fieldwork tradition and methods in

Anthropology, techniques of qualitative and quantitativedata collection  ,learn the

Basic  Statistics usedin Anthropological Research; Statistical analysis of data and

method of presentation of the data.

Students will learn about the principles of human populationgenetics , Mendelian  and

non-Mendelian  Principlesof heredity, mechanism of human variation; ecological

genetics and polymorphism; Hardy-Weinberg principle and itsapplication in human

population; mechanisms of human variations; understandpopulation structure and

mating process and the benefits of genetic counseling.

The students will be skilled with the concept of tourismanthropology, its importance

and preservation of cultural heritage, commodification ofculture; New directions of

anthropology in tourism

Students will be introduced to various anthropometricinstruments and landmarks;

have knowledge with anatomical structure of the human body,and methods of

measuring the various parts of the living body and theskeletal bones ; learn to

observe different phenotypic traits of human population;estimation of body

composition, BMI, Blood groups, Color blindness, Bloodpressure and Sugar levels;

methods of forensic investigations like analysis of digitalprints, estimation of age,

sex and stature.

Students will learn the genealogical method of tracingkinship relations as well as the

technological implements used for various economicactivities in different societies

Students will be given the experience to carry outdissertation or project work related

to the discipline under the supervision of a guide

    Program Specific Outcome (P.S.O)of UG

    1  The students will have a fundamental and systematic or coherentunderstanding of the

academicfield of Anthropology, its different branches and applications, and itslinkages with

relateddisciplinary areas/subjects;    

   2     Studentswill be equipped on the knowledge of various social institutions in humansocieties;

socialand cultural diversities in Indian society. Students will be equipped with thevarious

theoreticalapproaches of Anthropology and demonstrate the ability to use the knowledge of

Anthropologyin applying the appropriate methods and formulating approaches and tackling

Anthropologyrelated problems.

    3   Students will develop a strong foundation onthe basic understanding of the nature and

developmentof archaeology as a discipline in India. Students will be able to situate SouthAsian

materialswithin wider archaeological debates. Understand the concept of tool makingtechniques

andtool typology and also knowledge about lithic cultures in India.

   4   Studentswill be equipped with the knowledge of geological time line and the findingsand

discoveriesassociated with fossil primates around the world. This will help to understandthe

originand evolution of modern humans, paleopathology in human remains and how humans

havecolonized the continents.

 5   Studentswill be equipped with knowledge of human origin and evolution, biological

diversitiesin human population, human growth and development.

  6    Students will be equipped with knowledge ofhuman genetics, population genetics, genetic

counselingand eugenics. Forensic science and its application in biological anthropology.

  7     The students will have knowledge that createsdifferent types of professionals related to

thedisciplinary/subject area of Anthropology, including professionals engaged inresearch and in

thefield of development; know the use of qualitative as well as quantitative dataand

approaches/methodsin comprehending the human society.


 Program Outcome.(PO)

 1 A skillful group of students with differentspecializations of Anthropology and

emergingdevelopments in the field of Anthropology will be available in the market.

2Personal skills ability of the students will be increased to work bothindependently

andin a group.

3 Theywill be skilled in data collection methods, analyses of data and writingreports

basedon field data


